
Octothorpe Without Javascript

If you don’t want to use javascript or display #s on the front end, you can use the pure-HTTP method.

This page has been octothorped with these terms


Octothorpe servers take standard HTTP requests to octothorpe (or hak or oof) URLs, so the JS tag that we provide is a convenience, not a necessity. You can octothorpe a page simply by adding special <link> elements to the head of the page.

First, we have to ask the Octothorpe Ring to index our page.

<link rel="preload" as="fetch" href="{octothorpe ring}/?uri={your url}">

Then just add

<link rel="octo:octothorpes" href="{term}>

Where {octothorpe server} is the url of the Ring you want to thorpe, and {term} is the term you want to thorpe. This method sends a simple Http request to the ring and confirms that you’re talking about the url that is making the request.

This is necessary for the the Wordpress Demo Site. For security reasons, we don’t allow thorpes to be added to a page after load, so using this method allows a Wordpress user to convert tags into octothorpes just by adding a plugin, without editing any files.